Pathways Forward webinar to be held on Tuesday, October 16th
The Open Space Institute is partnering with the Network for Landscape Conservation (NLC) to host a webinar on the newly released report, Pathways Forward: Progress and Priorities in Landscape Conservation. This report—which emerged from the strategic dialogue at last year’s National Forum on Landscape Conservation—captures the current state of community-grounded, collaborative landscape conservation; highlights case studies and best practices; and recommends five-year benchmarks for success. During the first half of this 90-minute webinar NLC Coordinator Emily Bateson and NLC Co-Chair Ernest Cook will provide an overview of the report. The second half will focus on reflection and discussion of this rapidly growing field, and what we can do together and in our own landscapes to build enduring partnerships and sustain our irreplaceable natural and cultural landscapes. Join us to learn more, and to add your voice to the conversation.
When: Tuesday, October 16th, 2018, 2:00 to 3:30 pm EST
Register for the Pathways Forward webinar