Practitioners’ Network to host large landscape conservation breakfast at LTA Rally
The Practitioners’ Network for Large Landscape Conservation is partnering with the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy and Highstead to host a large landscape conservation breakfast at the upcoming Land Trust Alliance Rally (scheduled for October 28-30th in Minneapolis, MN; more information on the Rally here). Seating for the breakfast session is limited to 65 people and pre-registration is required. Contact Emily Bateson at [email protected] to reserve your seat.
A Large Landscape Conservation Breakfast
Saturday, October 29th, 2016
7:00 am – 8:15 am
Join the Practitioners’ Network for an update on the state of large landscape conservation and a lively session on new planning tools that help land trusts work effectively at the landscape scale.
7:00 – 7:15: Welcome from Practitioners’ Network Co-Chair Bob Bendick and a brief Network progress report.
7:15 – 7:30: Two short overview presentations on science and conservation planning approaches and tools, with a focus on value to and usability by land trusts:
- Colin Stief, Chesapeake Conservancy: Has been developing web-based GIS tools that put advanced data and analysis capabilities into the hands of land conservation practitioners without the need for GIS staff or expertise. These tools can quickly and easily articulate the conservation values an individual parcel contains and identify where conservation efforts should be focused across entire landscapes, resulting in land trusts making more informed decisions about where and why to work.
- Abby Weinberg, Open Space Institute: Will showcase success stories of land trusts that have used science and planning tools developed by The Nature Conservancy to incorporate climate change at the landscape scale into local conservation planning. Abby will also mention additional resources, including the OSI Climate Change guidance documents being released at Rally.
7:30 – 8:00: Table discussions. 6-8 tables to discuss those tools and other tools as well: what is out there? What is working and not working? What do land trusts need regarding science and conservation planning tools to work effectively at the larger scale?
8:00 – 8:15: Table reports and additional Large landscape conservation updates and information-exchange